Monthly projects that will Protect your home: March 2011

With winter behind us and the onset of spring arriving. We all get the itch for outdoor activities, and entertaining. What better project to start than to jump on cleaning up the wood deck. Repairing and cleaning and sealing wood deck is necessary every other year. Replace damaged or twisted boards. Deck stains with pigment last longer with clear sealers. Another good project to tackle while you are cleaning your deck, would be, power washing your entire house and cleaning all the gutters of winter debris. Giving everything a fresh new look for spring.

If these projects seem overwhelming, hire a local contracting company like CTI property services in Raleigh, NC: 919-787-3789 office. These guys are great. They are all licensed and bonded contractors. They arrive on time and get the project done, while you sit inside sipping your lemonade. No worries no mess… just pure bliss.

Knock out this project for you so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the beauty of spring.

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